Top 7 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Tis the season for spooks and scares. With the trick-or-treaters heading out in droves, decked out in their favorite costumes, it's a night for fun and frolics for all ages.

That said, it may not be so fun for your pet. Some dogs love Halloween - the constant stream of guests at the door, the pets, even the Halloween-themed pet-safe treats.

Others, however, not so much.

And, even if your pet enjoys the spectacle of All Hallow's Eve, there are certain precautions you need to take to keep them safe on Halloween night.

Top 7 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

A little extra care and attention can ensure your pet stays safe this Halloween!

#1 Keep Candy Out of Reach!

Many Halloween treats can be toxic to your dog or cat, some (those containing xylitol) can even be fatal. Keep treats high on the counter and away from wandering paws. Make sure to store any extras away as well.

#2 Watch your Jack-o-Lanterns

Dangerous decorations can be a fire hazard, especially when you think of those excited (or anxious) fluffy tails flying around. Be wary of what you put up, and where, and perhaps keep your pets away until they're taken down.

#3 Don't Force a Costume

Some dogs love getting dressed up and the extra attention it brings. Others will fight you when you attempt to put a costume on, or are visibly uncomfortable once dressed. If you notice stress or discomfort, ditch the costume. If they seem fine, just make sure they can see, move, and breathe properly.

#4 Make Sure ID is Current

Halloween can get hectic, so make sure your pet's ID is up to date (and on) just in case they get out of the house.

#5 Keep Them Away From the Door

Even if your pet is friendly, some of those mini monsters may be afraid, and you can never be 100% of what might spook your dog. Just to be safe, keep pets away from the door once that doorbell starts ringing. 

#6 Don't Leave your Pets in the Yard

Halloween can be a lot of fun, but it can also bring out those who are not so friendly to pets. Never leave your pet in the yard (even if it's fenced) alone. If they're out playing, make sure someone is out there with them.

#7 Keep them Calm and Secure

Halloween havoc can be overwhelming for your pet - the noise, the constant stream of strangers coming to the door - it can easily get to be too much. Create a safe place for your pet to sneak off to. Consider closing off an area of the house or keep them in a room where they can feel relaxed and secure. 

Natural Remedies to Calm Anxiety

If your pet gets anxious on Halloween night, try one of these natural remedies to calm them down:

  • Bach Flower Essences Rescue Remedy
  • CBD oil
  • Homeopathic Phosphorus 30C or Aconite 30C

 halloween pet safety tips

Happy Halloween everyone!