NEW Heavy Metal Cellular Detox Nanozeolite - Homeopathic Detox

NEW Heavy Metal Cellular Detox Nanozeolite - Homeopathic Detox

Regular price $69.00
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This is a very potent synergistic energetic supplement- a combination of mixed potency specific homeopathic heavy metal detox and nano zeolite. Designed to pull heavy metals from every tissue in the body and especially the brain. Supports inflammation signs such as joint/muscle pain, fever, gastrointestinal discomfort, digestive issues, rashes, co-infections, tremors, and seizures. 

Nanozeolite technology with strong homeopathic. 

  • Nanozeolite technology with a strong specific homeopathic heavy metal detoxes.
  • Very potent magnetic pull to bind expelled heavy metals from every tissue in the body, including the brain. Results reported in some within a few days, more focus and vitality.
  • Potential to reverse most chronic disease when used along with the Gut/Immune/Hormone remedy and Fear2Trust remedy. May not be ordered unless taking these remedies or a custom, mandatory for ease and grace of assimilation. 
  • Vaccinosis layers may have been addressed separately for autoimmune and cancer issues.

*People have noted miraculous results in just a few days. 

USE AS DIRECTED: This formula is EXTREMELY dose-specific- NOT like other Doctor AMara remedies. 

Healthy lifestyle adults can start with 2 drops / 1-2 times a day then keep increasing every few days. Sensitives and adolescents/ teens with mild symptoms and medium size pets can start with 1 drop / once a day and then increase by 1 drop every few days. Keep increasing to bowel tolerance or when feel great.

To avoid detox symptoms, children and smaller pets should start with 1:4 less concentrated version (1:4 Heavy Metal Cellular Detox Nanozeolite + 8x Mushroom - Homeopathic Detox). Please note: Anyone who is sensitive or has detox reactions or limited lymphatic drainage needs to use the 1:4 diluted version to start or for increases. 

Detox symptoms if increase too quickly can be similar to malaise or flu symptoms but most commonly bowel tolerance like gas and bloating or diarrhea.

All Ages • All Species • Safe • Natural • Rapidly Effective

All-natural support for humans and animals to detox EMFs.

1 bottle = 0.5oz (15ml)