Homeopathic Healing Remedy for Caregiver

Homeopathic Healing Remedy for Caregiver

Regular price $20.00
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Indicated for any emotional stressors caused by caregiving of any kind especially new acute situations or diagnosis - such as new diagnosis pet or loved one, new intensity to health routine for self or others, grief and shock are real stressors and we all need to learn self care first and foremost for health balance. This remedy helps you make more balanced intuitive decisions about yourself and others moment to moment.

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat stress or worry caused primarily by major life/ loved one health or mental health transitions. We recommend this remedy if you are currently dealing with or have recently dealt with the following common life events for you or a loved one - pet or person:

  • Actively caregiving for a family member or pet
  • New diagnosis or prognosis upset self or loved one
  • Yourself or any pet or loved one hospitalized
  • You or a loved one recently diagnosed with serious or terminal illness
  • Loss of a close loved one
  • Actively caregiving for a family member or pet
  • Sustained an injury and new routines required
  • New job change that requires new routines and self care
  • Recently moved and separated more from loved ones
  • Ended a close relationship

All-natural support for humans and animals living with stress and worry.
Indicated for anyone who has trouble being separated from a certain person or animal. For people or animals that are using another’s energy to ground themselves for security and safety. Helpful for any attached caregivers or pets.

All Ages • All Species • Safe • Natural • Rapidly Effective

Dosing: 4 drops, 2-4x daily as needed.

This homeopathic remedy is also used to treat anxiety or worry brought on by specific situations. If you answer YES to any of the following questions, you may find relief with this remedy:

Do you form very close bonds with people or animals?
Do you feel empathy or pain for others?
Do you worry about others’ health?
Do you feel relief from your anxiety when around a certain person or pet?
All-natural support for humans and animals living with separation anxiety and transitional stress.

1 bottle = 1oz (29ml)